Friday, February 27, 2009

Wild Seo by Moses Isaac

The INSIDER SECRETS to exploiting hidden search engine formulas. And how these "cracked codes" can force Google and Yahoo to spit out cash like a broken ATM machine.

Yes, it's real... Yes, it's legal... And yes, it will all make sense to you, after reading

Dear Friend,

Are you busy?

Too busy earning a living, to make any real money?

Are you so busy adding to the bottom line for a big faceless corporation, that you don't have any real time to make money for you... for your future?

Does your bosshole act like he's doing you a favor just by paying you for your work? An attitude that says, "You should be happy you even have this job..."

If so, then you owe it to yourself to read every word on this page. Because you've got a decision to make... and it must be made today.

In just a moment, you'll see why.

Now don't think this is like any other opportunity you've come across before. Because I assure you it is not.

"This Is The Real Deal... Quick And
Easy Way To Make Serious Money On The Web. And In Just A Moment I'll Show You Overwhelming, And Undeniable Evidence
That What We're Claiming Is 100% True..."

If you've kicked around the internet for a little while, you already know most claims out there are too good to be true. So, being skeptical is not only natural... it's healthy... it's crucial.

But Once In A While... Maybe Once In A Lifetime... An Opportunity Comes By That
You Just Can't Pass Up...

Bill Gates took his opportunity when he turned down a million dollars from IBM, deciding instead to earn a royalty on each copy of DOS. As you know, Gates is now the richest man in the world.
Oprah Winfrey grabbed her opportunity when she formed her own production company to take over the producing and syndicating of her show. She's now one of the richest women on earth.
Donald Trump took his opportunity when he bought a run-down apartment buiding that had been foreclosed on, and made $6,000,000 profit on this... his very first property. Now Trump is arguably one of the most successful real estate investors to ever live.

Every great success comes with a great story. An opportunity that needed to be taken.

But first...

What about you my friend?

What will your story be?

Most of it hasn't been written yet. And the decisions you make today just may frame the rest of your story.

But the beginning of that story is already set in stone. The "First Act" as a screenwriter would put it. The part you've already lived up to this very moment.

Let's see if I can guess what your first act looks like...

Have you already tried to make money online? Maybe you bought an e-book for $27... $97... or even more. A book that guaranteed to show you how to make easy cash in your underwear...

Or you've listened to a hyped up teleseminar that promised to show you the way to riches, but that "way" involved you paying a lot of money to get what you were led to think you were getting for free...

Okay... hold on... I got it... I'm sure you've at least done this...

...given up your name and email address to get some "valuable information" but all you get is a barrage of spam trying to sell you something you don't want.

C'mon... we've all fallen for that one!

So... am I close? Do you see yourself in any of the scenarios above?

Have you dabbled a little in online money-making? Have you put your toe in the water... but never really gotten your whole body wet?


... have you given it a real try, I mean... really put it out there and gave 100%... but still lost your shirt? I know I did. I made that mistake over and over again...

But when I discovered the secrets hidden inside the fancy math Google and Yahoo use to serve up search results... everything changed for me.

I learned how to dominate searches, and fill my pockets with pure profit.

I was pretty much unbeatable.

I say pretty much, because there was one guy out there who could give me a run for my money...

And that's where our story begins.

I'll let Chris type for a while...

A few years ago, I was a kid with too much money. And I spent that cash as fast as I could get it.

I liked Montreal. It was an hour away and had the best strip clubs.

The night I met Ben was also the night I met... Alexa. The hottest stripper ever to grind my lap.

How hot? Like 5' 7", 115, and stacked like freshly cut firewood. Think - Angelina in Tomb Raider.

So there we are... me and Alexa in the middle of a romantic 3 minute and 30 second date (May have been longer, but I can't remember if there was a drum solo in that song.)

Anyway... the whole time she's dancing for me, I notice across the room there's this creepy geek waving a 20 dollar bill.

As soon as the song ends, she's across the room and on his lap.

So... I hold up my $20 and get her back for the next song.

She bounced back and forth between us this way, for like an hour, then...

The geek starts doubling the price of his dances, just to keep her to himself. That's right... this cock-blocker is laying out $40 bucks a song!

It's like he was bidding up the PPC price on AdWords...

And it pissed me off.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I crossed the room... one fist clenched... the other holding a near-empty bottle of liquid courage.

The creep gives me a dirty look, and... BAM... I nail him square in the jaw. Then THUMP... he hits the floor like a sack of flour.

Then... for no apparent reason other than the fact that someone yelled "fight"... half the guys in there just start beating the crap out of one another!

It was crazy...

Even Some Of The Dancers Were Going At It!

It was like a scene in a movie...

Fists flying... tables flying... wigs, weaves and bikinis - all flying...

And there I am, pounding the snot out of that little geek.

Now that was just the beginning. What happened next was a total nightmare...

Okay... hold on a second. This is Ben again.

A couple things to clear up before I let Chris finish this story.

First... I didn't look "creepy." It was my first (and last) time in a strip club. I was just concentrating. And... I wasn't waving my money like some idiot. I just held it up... casually.

Oh... and he didn't beat the snot out of me. He got in 1 shot. Just 1, and it was a sucker punch.

And never once did I offer Alexa more than 20 bucks for a dance. She stayed with me, because she liked me better.

More importantly... notice who the real "geek" is here? Chris can't even tell a story about a stripper, without using terms like SEO, monetize, algorithm, and page rank. LOL

I can just imagine you newer guys out there, eyes glazing over, going...

I'm with ya on this. We don't need to start confusing you with insider terms. Although... you will need to know a few. So, let me give you a quick little cheat sheet...

If you're already familiar with these terms, click here to skip ahead.

Algorithm - It's that "fancy math" I mentioned earlier. Search websites like Google and Yahoo use these complicated formulas to automatically decide which websites come up, and in what order... when people type words in the search box. It's basically how they decide if your site comes up first... or on page 134.

Chris and I developed WildSEO because we knew more about these algorithms than pretty much everyone else. That's how we've been able to thrive, no matter how many times Google and Yahoo change the formula.

SEO - That stands for "search engine optimization." It's a fancy term that describes how you configure your website to take advantage of the algorithms. This is how you can control the position of your site.

Think about it... How valuable is your site going to be if it comes up on that dreaded page 134? Using SEO, you optimize your chances of coming up on page one... or even in the first position!

But all SEO isn't created equal!

I'll get more into that later, but understand there's the right way to do SEO... The way we're going to show you- And the wrong way... the way most other people out there are doing it.

If you don't follow our plan, you risk wasting your time and money... and earning a big fat goose egg in profits. Or worse! There are some illegal ways being taught out there, that will get you shut down before you make a penny.

Page Rank - This is the rating your site is given by the search engines. It's based on your SEO... and determined by that secret algorithm.

WildSEO lets you copy our super-secret methods to get the best page rank possible. All while spending little or even NO MONEY!

Monetize - This is a word that means "make money from." When building a website, you always need a plan for how you will "make money from it."

WildSEO not only shows you how to use the algorithms as your own SEO weapon... but we also show you the simplest proven ways to turn your page ranking into cash money... every single day.

PPC - This stands for "pay per click." It's how most marketers pay search engines for prominent placement in those search results. Your placement may be the top of the list... or even a featured ad over on the side.

The biggest player in the world of pay per click, is AdWords. It's a division of Google and definitely works to deliver people to your website.

The problem is... PPC can get expensive as all hell.

I know marketers who pay up to 10 bucks for a click. That means for everyone who clicks on your paid google listing, you pay Adwords $10. Not everyone who buys the product... but everyone who just clicks on the ad.

It's a no-brainer to see how PPC can quickly get more expensive than $20 lap dances.

But after learning the simple and proven tactics we deliver in WildSEO,
you'll never have to pay for clicks.

Okay... now you know what this stuff means... But what does it mean to you?

Well... even with just the little knowledge I gave you... and WildSEO, you will have the ability to stand in front of a tidal wave of cash...

A flow of money so enormous, you just have to hold out your hands and scoop it up...

Don't believe me? Then believe this...

We're Going To Show You Step-By-Step
How You Can Get Your Slice Of That
18.6 Billion Dollar Pie... Even If You've
Never Made A Thin Dime Online... Even
If You're A Total Moron!

You're Literally Just Minutes From Possessing The Secrets To...

Getting your website automatically listed with the "big 3" search engines... in under 48 hours! You'll save yourself headaches and time, just focusing on where 99% of the profitable prospects are...

The importance of your filenames and how simple changes to your graphics and other files will bounce your site up through the ozone. And ranking that high means more money in your pocket... with less work.

Embedding the right words into your webpage, to ensure you dominate all searches that are most profitable to you. Targetting your pages this way can take you from part-time newbie to wealthy website marketer...

Exploiting 2 things when creating your websites, that 97% of your competition won't even think about when creating theirs. These 2 exploits alone can have you swimming in cash from the get go... WILD!

How 1 simple "genius idea" can take you from brand new today... to the number 2 or even number 1 most visited website in your niche in under a month. You now have the power to profit from thousands of visitors everyday...

How a simple game of "tag" gets you listed even in the toughest market... even if no other trick ever worked before. This is the most over-looked tactic that puts you miles ahead of every other noob...

Optimizing your keywords to make sure you body slam any competitors who might even think about getting in your way. Optimizing means you run a lean... mean... money-making machine... WILD!

Is that it?

LOL... not by a long shot. I'm just getting started here.

Before I go any further, I want you to understand that every single thing I'm talking about here is easy if you know the secrets.

And damn near impossible if you don't.

And always remember... I'm not telling you what I think... I'm telling you what I know. Every aspect of this sure-fire system has been documented and proven.

And understand this... Because it holds so much profit, the "money making" niche can be crowded. That means there are tons of competitors out there, making that niche one of the hardest to compete in... yet Chris and I have dominated it at will.

We've owned the terms "money making," "make money online," "make money from home," and far too many others I couldn't possibly list here.

All of them... among the most searched for terms in the world. Words that bring in hundreds of thousands of clickers to our websites... every week!

And in case you don't know... clickers mean cash!

I Get It. I Know How Valuable Traffic Is. I Want In Now!

Soon, you can tell your bosshole to bite you. Just by using the simple WildSEO formula...

A Formula For Real Success... One That
Will Put Big Dollars Into Your Pocket...
An Easy To Follow Roadmap To That
Internet Pot Of Gold...

Yes... you'll discover the easiest way to create a cash-generating website, even if you have no computer skills... have never done it before... and until this very minute, never even considered making money this way!

Yes... we'll hand you the secret to making your website stand out from the crowd, ensuring that you'll tame even the wildest market. This means money in your wallet... any time you want it...

Yes... It's all delivered with simple, step-by-step instructions. Even complete beginners can go from zero to profitable, in no time! It's a breeze thanks to our easy-to-follow screenshots, captions & guides...

"Just Lay It All Out For Me In Simple
Terms. What Is This All About?"


You want to make money online. There are really only 2 ways to do it.

Get paid by advertisers to put ads on your web page. When people click those ads, you get paid for it. Get a lot of people to click and the money just rolls in.
Sell stuff to those who are starving for it. Just find the starving market... sell them what they want... and stuff money in your pockets.
In both cases the most important thing is "traffic." It's like opening a shop. You can put your shop on 5th Avenue, in New York City, assuring yourself a huge amount of foot traffic...

Or you could put it on a little side street in Mayberry, with a lot less traffic.

Being on the side street is much more affordable, but you have to advertise to get anyone into the store. On 5th avenue, you pay a huge premium for the free traffic that comes in, just because they're walking by.

Traffic online is just as important as traffic offline.

If no one finds your webpage out of all the millions of pages out there... then you make no money.

Plain and simple.

"How Do I Get Traffic?"

There are 2 main ways to deliver traffic to your site...

You pay a company like Google or Yahoo to place the link to your page, along with a couple lines of text describing it. They will often place these paid ads in a prominent place in their search results.

You use the magic of WildSEO to optimize your site so Google and Yahoo place your link right near the top of the first page of results. This is prominient placement... FOR FREE!

Paid ads can be expensive.

And SEO can be complicated if you don't know what you're doing.

"With WildSEO It's So Easy... Even Someone Dumb Enough To Spend All His Money On Strippers... Can Do It!"

"I Partnered With Chris To Take On All Challengers In A Marketing Smack-Down
That Left Everyone Else Crying All Over
Their LCD Screens While We Dominated
The Search Engines... At Will!"

"And Not Just In The Money Making Niche. With WildSEO You'll Be Able To Perform That Same Magic In Any Market You Choose."
The moment you join, you wield that same awesome power to destroy your competition and suck in pure profits using every WildSEO weapon...

One simple... overloooked way to spy on all of your competition. When you know how your market responds, you'll save loads of time. And saved time is money for you. We show you exactly where to look to crack that secret code. WILD!

The "Holy Grail" of SEO... The most respected and most sought after part of your webpage as far as the search engines are concerned. Overlooking this is why most of your competitors are losing their shirts!

The correct way to use the power of YouTube to drive traffic to your website. You've heard of going "viral?" We'll show you how to go "Epidemic"... then... "Pandemic."

The Secret to legally "Brainwashing" buyers with how you name your website. Here's a hint: vs. Don't get it? You definitely will... on your very first day with us.

The closely-guarded... clandestine relationship between your favorite search engines and your blog. Don't have a blog yet? Once you see how much "pure profit" it can bring you, you'll be blogging every day! WILD!

What you must do to every image on your page if you want to suck cash out of the internet in record time. Most of your competitors are either too dumb, or too lazy to take advantage of this simple trick.

The 3 ways you must use internal links in your webpage to bring your ranking up 5... 10... or even 20 positions. This placement can mean the difference between making $10 and making $1,000 on a single search! WILD!

And that is really just the tiniest tip of a massive iceberg...

The problem with any business is the work. Even running an online business is work. Anyone who tells you different is lying through their teeth.

What I didn't tell you about Chris and me is we're lazy. I mean totally-don't-want-to-do-anything lazy. I'm not kidding...

We hate working.

That's why the WildSEO formula includes access to the best free software tools money can't buy. Tools that will automate much of your work. Do you know what that means?

It means the boring, tedius, and time consuming work is done for you!

That's right... We eliminate all the heavy lifting with the secret links to free software. Sorry... these are so hot, I had to remove their names!

SECRET SOFTWARE - Discover, research and rank the best keywords for any particular market you want to dominate. And it all happens with the click of your mouse. Sounds like a time-saving miracle and it is. We found this little known, secret tool that you can have FREE! WILD!

SECRET SOFTWARE - Check the rank of any website in the world, using a secret tool created by Google. Gives you instant ability to spy on the competition, yet 99.999% of the people have no idea it exists. Spying on the competition is part of the formula!

SECRET - Instantly turn automatically generated content into stand alone webpages. You hear the term "duplicatable" being tossed around. Now it's easy to have multiple content filled websites with just a click!

SECRET SOFTWARE - This souped-up keyword location tool is free, but works better than some of the high end software the big shot marketers will try to sell you. Now... just point and click and you know the frequency of any word. WILD!

SECRET - With this software, you can quickly survey how competitive a market is by seeing how many C blocks are linking at competing websites. Don't know what "C blocks" are? No problem. We show you and you'll get it in 30 seconds flat!

SECRET SOFTWARE - This nasty little application can instantly put your keyword list on steroids! Just start with 1 word you know is important in your market, and let this software do the rest. Letting software do it... yes... part of the formula.WILD!
SECRET STUFF - This secret little hack allows you to show page rank on the Googlebar. This can literally save you hours a day, just in researching your competition. Think about clocking in at 9am... and out at 11am. Will your day job ever let you do that?

"Okay... I'm Starting To Get It. And All That Software Is Cool... But, I'm Still Unclear About This 'Formula' You Keep Mentioning. What Is The WildSEO Formula, Exactly?"

I'll tell you.

But first let me explain why this formula is unique... and why you must use it if you want to finally slash the tires on your bosshole's car, and quit your thankless, dead end J-O-B.

WildSEO is the only system out there that teaches even the newest newbie how Chris and I used SEO to make the kind of money online that used to be reserved only for the big-time professionals.

We give you every ounce of training... access to every software tool... and every step by step action you need to take... to profit just like us.

I'm dead serious when I say...

You could search for an offer for the next 6 months and I dare you find anything that delivers this much value to you.

I'm not just saying you can't get something comparable for this small an investment... (but you can't) I'm challenging you to find this much simple-to-follow SEO training, and these easy to use tools... at any price!

But I'm not done yet, because...

The Most Important Part
Of The WildSEO Formula Is...


Now, you're probably wondering... why is membership so important? You could just buy some books, even buy some 1 on 1 mentoring from one of the big shots. How can membership be better than that?

That one's easy. A bit controversial, but easy...

I'll just lay it on the line here.

Here's what the "membership gurus" don't want you to know. This is the thing even my partner Chris was afraid of me revealing...

But I don't care. The power brokers of marketing could use their connections to shut this page down by tomorrow. If that happens Chris and I will just go back to earning 6 figures using these tactics ourselves.

So... if I piss off some powerful people... I don't give a damn. Now Chris (the sucker-punch king of Canada) is a little scared, but I'm not. So here goes...

"Membership" is like the new buzz word in marketing. Everyone is selling it these days. But the truth is... in most of marketing... it's useless.

You heard me right. I said useless!

You get the books... you read them... you either do it and succeed... you do it and fail... or you never get off your ass and do it at all. It really is that simple.

But With SEO, Membership Isn't
Just Useful... It's Crucial!

Here's why...

SEO tactics aren't static, like other elements of marketing. With SEO the game changes weekly... sometimes daily. The reason is simple... the search engines don't want you to succeed.

It's true...

If everyone succeeded at controlling the search engines for their own profit, no one would be forced to pay for those expensive ads Google and Yahoo have gotten rich from.

Everyone would get virtually free traffic, just like we do.

So... when the powers that be catch on to one of our sneaky (but 100% legal) tactics, they'll fiddle with that "fancy math" in their algorithms, to make the tactic less effective.

That means if you want to really make wallet-bulging profits, you have to stay on top of every little tweak... every little change they make in the math.

You buy some ebook and stop there, I promise you half the tactics in it will be way out of date before you read page 1.

Sure... you could constantly keep your nose to the ground sniffing out the latest tweaks. But I thought you were looking to work less... not more!

As a member of WildSEO... you're constantly updated with the latest and greatest SEO magic tricks. And in just a minute, I'll show you how we do it...

For now, what you have to understand is you never have to worry when you're part of the WildSEO family. Your marketing will always be up to date... always cutting edge. That's not just a promise. We guarantee it or your money back!

Gaming The System To Get Free Traffic Is Exactly What I've Been Looking For!

Come On... Does Search Engine Math
Really Change That Often?

You bet your ass it does!

To give you an idea just how quickly things can change, Yahoo changed an algorithm and Google changed 2... just in the time it took to write this page!

I'm not kidding. We had to tweak our marketing campaigns 3 times... just while this page was being created. If you tried doing SEO on your own, armed with just a book written last year, you would have been S.O.L.

Luckily For You,
It's Quick And Easy With...

Your Formula For SEO Success!

Moses Isaac
Skype Id : moses1965